Measure 56 Times, Cut Once. One Room Challenge Week 2
That’s the saying, right? “Measure 56 times, cut once.” Well, that’s what I did when I started working on my pony wall shelving. What’s a pony wall, you ask? It’s a half wall. Google tells me that it’s called a pony wall because if a pony was behind it, the pony could put it’s head over it. Hah. Makes complete sense, right?
The Plan
If you missed my mood board and layout plans, head over to my week 1 post here to catch up!

This week I’ve been focusing mostly on this shelving that will go above my pony wall. My husband says it’s 80’s but if Chip & Joanna Gaines recently did this, I’m saying it’s on trend! Plus, if I like it, I like it.
Measuring, Measuring and Finally Assembling!
Did you know that nothing is exactly square in a home? Well, it isn’t. The drywall isn’t exactly level. The trim isn’t exactly straight. The ceilings aren’t exactly level. The list goes on!
Therefore, I spent a lot of time measuring and planning for this shelving. My advice to you is just keep measuring. Measure everything. Don’t assume that the dimensions are the same just because they look like it.
Next I bought 8 ft long 1×6 oak boards. I often work with pine because it’s inexpensive but I wanted something high-quality for this built-in. I also wanted something that would take stain well. Oak is better at taking stain than pine. I made the frame first and went to town with the painter’s tape to make sure I loved the layout.

Once I was confident that I liked the design, I cut the boards to size using a miter saw and put them all in place.

Now to pick out a stain color. The hardest part in my opinion. I get terrified of choosing the wrong one and ruining what I’ve made….wish me luck! Or even better, give me recommendations for stain color!

What’s next?
Well folks, a living room makeover can’t happen without a few furniture purchases. I’m on the hunt for an amazingly comfy and pretty couch and two accent chairs. I’m hoping to upcycle a large console table and some end tables. However, Facebook marketplace hasn’t been giving me much to choose from these days.
Other than that, I’m on the hunt for a wall stencil, which I might (and I mean MIGHT because I’m so indecisive) use on my TV/feature wall.
Best wishes to all the ORC participants! Check them out here.

Lindsey from Hilltown House
Really looking forward to seeing how that fun shelf looks installed
Thank you! It’s getting there, slowly but surely 🙂 Thanks for following along!