Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge: Before and After Bathroom Reveal!
I can’t believe that my Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge reveal is here! I’m so excited to share it with you. First, thank you so much for all your support and encouragement along the way! Secondly, let’s delve into this bathroom renovation! I’ll be starting with what the bathroom looked like before and walking you through how we transformed it during the 6-week Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge. Thanks so much to my generous sponsors, Jeffrey Court, FrogTape, Sinkology and Lamps Plus. I received compensation for my work but my opinions stated here are my own. Affiliate links are used, meaning that I could earn a small commission on some links if…
How to Grout and Seal Tile: Plus THE Most Gorgeous Copper Sink!
It’s week 5 of the 6-week Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge. We have one week to go. I’m not panicking….I’m not panicking….just keep telling myself this and it will be true, right?! Ah! Please keep voting daily! Thanks so much. Vote by clicking here. Here are the highlights from this week: FrogTape is officially my best friend. The stomach flu can really set you behind on a renovation project – ah! Sinkology makes THE most gorgeous copper sinks GIANT messes come before beautiful transformations. Hang in there 🙂 In case you missed it: The Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge! If you missed my week 1-4 posts, here’s a quick overview to get…
Tiling a Bathroom Wall in a Perfect Herringbone Pattern
I love a beautiful herringbone tile pattern. There’s something about the clean lines and perfect angles that just make me happy. The tough part? Laying it out perfectly! For week 4 of the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge, we started tiling a bathroom wall in a herringbone pattern. Today I’ll be sharing with you our progress so far and I’ll make sure to tell you how to make a beautiful herringbone pattern when tiling. Head HERE now to vote for me in the challenge! First let’s talk about the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge! If you missed my week 1-3 posts, here’s a quick overview to get you up to speed. The…
How to Make a Beautiful Vertical Shiplap Half Wall
Ah! We’re halfway through the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge. I can’t believe it! Have you been voting?? I hope so! We’re on week 3 of 6. This week I took on a vertical shiplap half wall in my bathroom. I wanted to make sure that it lasted a long time so I did something crazy and didn’t use wood for it. Wait. What?? Yup, you read that right. I didn’t use wood for a vertical shiplap half wall. Keep reading to find out what I used instead! What’s the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge? It’s an amazing 6-week challenge where Home DIYers compete against one another for a grand prize of…
How to Paint Bathroom Cabinets: Without Leaving Brush Strokes!
It’s week 2 of the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge and I’ve been busy diving right in! This week I’ve been painting my bathroom cabinets. I’m here to tell you that this doesn’t have to be a scary undertaking. It can be easy, look professional and you can avoid brush strokes! Below I’ve laid out a quick “How to Paint Bathroom Cabinets” tutorial. Here’s the most important piece of advice I have for you: Don’t skip any steps! I’m impatient so many times I want to skip steps like sanding and just get the job done. Don’t do it. Follow the steps to get a perfect finish on your bathroom cabinets!…